So, this past week I've been getting started on a new long term project. It's something I've been wanting to do for a while. I was chatting with a friend recently about what I've been up to, and I pointed him to my blog and some of the little side projects I've been keeping busy with. He asked about this larger project I had told him about a while back, and he asked I would be starting on that. I realized he was right, and with all this free time I have, I really should be more focused on it. Especially since there's a lot of work to be done. BUT...more on that in the next week or two. I've still got a bit more to do before a reveal.
In the meantime, I thought I'd share some recent photography. I was at the AVP pro beach volleyball tournament in New York City this past weekend. It was a lots of fun. There were half naked girls playing volleyball, free samples of Sam Adams beer, nice weather...what more could you ask for? Of course I brought my camera with me, and I think I got a lot of pretty good pictures.
I used a Canon 5d Mark III with 3 different lenses. Images were shot in shutter speed priority to ensure I'd capture the action with very little or no motion blur. Sometimes it's nice to have that freeze frame effect, and sometimes just a subtle bit of motion blur on the extremely fast motion gives it a bit more energy. So, I'm always playing around with shutter speed to see what I like best. Of course, it depends on how fast your subject is moving as well.
Here's a break down of the camera gear:
And here are some of the pictures: